


Within A Few Days, We Will Finish Distributing Bread To All The Camps And Gatherings Of Syrian Refugees In Arsal, About 22 Thousand Bundles Of Bread.

Within A Few Days, We Will Finish Distributing Bread To All The Camps And Gatherings Of Syrian Refugees In Arsal, About 22 Thousand Bundles Of Bread.

Within A Few Days, We Will Finish Distributing Bread To All The Camps And Gatherings Of Syrian Refugees In Arsal, About 22 Thousand Bundles Of Bread.

With the approaching winter, and through the shelter project provided by Al-Amal Organization, and in order to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian refugees in the Arsal camps, and after we received several appeals to pay the land rent, Al-Amal International Organization today paid the annual rent for 15 camps in the town of Arsal, which is.

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